Thursday, 13 March 2008

Spreading The Word!

I'm so proud of the students at Tanfield and the students at Birdwood. Maybe the next task could be to make a very short powerpoint presentation to show to the governors next Wednesday evening. This could highlight the work you have done so far and how you all plan to help the Orang-utans in the future. This will make everything a lot clearer for the governors and perhaps we could adapt this resource to show other students. This would really spread the word! What would be even more powerful is if the Australian students did the same and we could also show their presentation.

Thanks guys.

Mr Seaton

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

hi im john and i am part of the tanfied group saving the orangutan and me and steven have made a letter and we will show you soon.

what we have done

hi so far we have been writing letters to major businesses that are using palm oil in their products but now we are making promotional videos and having meetings with our school governors to try and raise awareness about the palm oil problems. what have you been doing?

Hiya my name is Katrina,i am one of the members of save the orang-utans at Tanfield Comprehensive.How long have you being doing stuff to save the orang-utans?Got to go bye!

Monday, 10 March 2008

Great to hear from you!

Hi there,
We are looking forward to reading whatever you can tell us.
When you look at the blog-site, at the end it says "Older Posts" - there are some good comments on there for you to read too,